Master Slider 响应触摸滑块中文版、汉化版更新至 v2.9.7
Master Slider 是一款来自 codecanyon 的 wordpress 插件,这款插件可以给网站添加非常炫酷的幻灯片效果,提升网站形象,并且采用插件也采用了响应书布局,支持在移动设备上使用,支持 touch 触摸滚动触发事件。
Master Slider 支持各种动画过渡效果,兼容各种主流浏览器和手机操作系统浏览器,插件的后台设置功能也很强大,适合不懂代码的用户可视化编辑。
Master Slider WordPress is a high quality image and content slider for WordPress, with super smooth hardware accelerated transitions. It supports touch navigation with pure swipe gesture that you have never experienced before. It』s a truly responsive and device friendly slider which works perfect on all major devices. Master Slider is an awesome layer slider as well, with the ability of adding any HTML content (texts, images, …) in layers. You almost have everything in Master slider which is the most complete among the best products, featuring hotspots, thumbnails, variety of effects, video support and much more.