Global Gallery 畫廊插件創建完全響應和適應快速的網站上的緩解功能,Global Gallery 可以處理無限的圖像來源,比如三廊佈局,九燈箱,使用的設計是顯示在每個佈局,再加上它是全功能的滑動和旋轉!
- 第一個畫廊創作與 WP 圖書館
- 畫廊與谷歌+圖像 (可能 2015 更新)
- 畫廊:可濕性粉劑類、 Flickr 、 Instagram
- 畫廊:Pinterest,臉譜網,谷歌,500px
- 畫廊:Tumblr,RSS,NextGen 畫廊
- 與 Dropbox 的公共文件夾的畫廊
- 畫廊與谷歌驅動器的公共文件夾
- 推特簡介和標籤
- 畫廊畫廊與全球畫廊
- 自動畫廊創作
- WP 畫廊一體化
- 畫廊的類別
- 美術館收藏
- 造型藝術館
- 管理燈箱
- 短碼嚮導
- 圖像滑塊
- 圖像的旋轉木馬
- 使用水印
Global Gallery 可以捕捉到的圖像:
- WordPress 的媒體庫
- WordPress 分類的文章
- 任何 WordPress 的自定義文章類型與分類相關的 (如 WooCommerce)
- 全球圖庫相冊 (通過 FTP)
- Flickr
- 臉譜網的頁面
- 谷歌
- 谷歌硬盤
- Dropbox
- 推特
- NextGen 的插件畫廊
- Tumblr 的博客
- 500 用户
v5.0 – release date 17/05/2016
– gallery layouts rebuilt from scratch and now detecting real time wrapper changes
– new overlay effects
– new connection hub for Google+, Google Drive, Facebook, Dropbox sources
– new Google Drive limitless integration with images search
– new facebook integration with limitless images fetching
– overhauled builder engine, PHP classes based and unified among sources
– instagram integration now fetches up to 100 images
– added: twitter integration fetching images from profiles and hashtags
– added: instagram integration using hashtags
– added: Simple Lightbox lightbox
– added: images outline
– added: collections category icons
– added: main overlay visibility behaviors
– added: two preset styles (light and dark minimal)
– added: noscript element added with fullsize image for SEO
– updated: Light Gallery lightbox
– updated: magnificPopup lightbox
– updated: colorbox lightbox
– updated: Isotope to v2
– fixed: collection’a wrapper height on gallery choice
– fixed: carousel alignment on resize
– fixed: image extension removed from fetched Google+ images