此 Impreza 主題銷售一萬+,在元素佈局,顏色組合和動畫上是平衡的,以創建最佳的網絡體驗,在任何現代設備上,我們比其他人花了更多的時間,因為我們重視主題在細節上的美麗···WordPress 響應多用途主題 Impreza 中文版、漢化版更新至 v3.2
- 拖放可視化設計
- 終極插件視覺作曲家
- 滑塊革命
- 可用於任何類型的網站
- 可用性和用户體驗
- 視網膜
- 一鍵演示
- 方便和方便的管理面板 (基於獨特的框架)
- 框和廣泛的網站佈局
- 專業預先建立頁面佈局
- 高度可定製的
- 自動更新
- 無限的顏色
- 先進的頭,標誌,菜單,組合,排版和博客選項
- 5 個預定義的標題佈局
- 17 組合網格樣式
- 8 獨特的博客佈局
- 超過 1300 個圖標集成
- 可定製的谷歌地圖
- 視差效果的背景
- CSS3 動畫
- 無限的側邊欄
- 自定義的 HTML 和 CSS
- 代碼內置搜索引擎優化 (搜索引擎優化) 的最佳實踐
- 完整的設計集成 WooCommerce 兼容
- 接觸形式 7 和重力形式的完全兼容性
- WPML 完全兼容
- RTL 語言支持
- 易於使用的元素 (簡碼)
- 大量的文獻和方便支持門户
Version 3.2 — June 23, 2016
ADDED: new Restaurant Demo (also it’s possible to import it via Demo Import)
ADDED: support for default Visual Composer columns:
now it’s possible to control width and offset of every column on different devices
added option to align columns content by vertical regardless columns layout
now all columns in a row have the equal height, if they are aligned by vertical
ADDED: support for The Events Calendar plugin (to enable basic theme styles just choose “Skeleton Styles” in the plugin settings)
ADDED: support for WooCommerce 2.6 including styles for “My Account” page
IMPROVED: Client Logos – now they are a part of “Logos Showcase” content element instead of being a separate WordPress post type
IMPROVED: WPML config – now values of Text, Image, Button, Dropdown and Search header elements are available for translation
IMPROVED: WP CLI support – now Impreza supports its latest version
UPDATED: Revolution Slider to version (changelog)
UPDATED: Ultimate Addons to version 3.16.5 (changelog)
UPDATED: Visual Composer to version 4.12 (changelog)
UPDATED: Demo content for import
UPDATED: Translation files
FIXED: bug when Cart in a header shows incorrect products quantity, if “Product Bundles” plugin is using
FIXED: columns order in a row for RTL languages – now it corresponds to VC Backend Editor
FIXED: bug when Image header element without link breaks a header layout
FIXED: styling issues of WooCommerce Cart and Checkout pages
FIXED: position of Cart dropdown in a header
FIXED: margins of some text elements
FIXED: some minor bugs