銷售第一的雜誌部落格主題就是此主題,Newspaper 讓你輕鬆撰寫文章和部落格文章,我們提供的大力支援和友好的幫助! 新聞模板是優秀的, 報紙、雜誌、出版或評論網站。它還支援一個評級系統與 YouTube 影片和特性。到目前為止, 我們已經結合 bbPress 的主題論壇,BuddyPress, 巴迪新聞,WooCommerce,它使用最好的乾淨的搜尋引擎最佳化實踐, 最重要的是, 它是快速, 簡單, 容易···
- 所有的塊——請選擇您從頂部 m 你可以混合和匹配他們 m 所有的內容塊支援 ajax 分頁和子類 (包括幻燈片)
- Live 搜尋使用 ajax 和鑰匙
- 一次點選演示安裝, 沒有更多 mXML 檔案, 只有一個點選你安裝了演示的資料
- 由視覺作曲家——最好的拖拽頁面構建器
- Woocommerce 支援
- 定製 bbpress 樣式+自定義登入系統, 您現在可以輕鬆建立一個社羣···
- 自定義自動伸縮功能內容塊——一塊改變它的結構完美的工作 (在側邊欄, 全寬或頁邊欄)
- 回應谷歌廣告聯盟支援透過我們的定製管理面板, 指令碼載入谷歌 AdSense 現貨為每個螢幕大小不同, 一旦載入它不修改它以 100% 符合谷歌 adSense 服務條款。
- 響應廣告支援, 允許多個廣告位的廣告網路在同一 div 或如果你想顯示自己的廣告在不同的裝置上, 這個選項將會改變廣告的位置, 例如當一個平板電腦是橫向/縱向變化···(標題橫幅演示站點使用該系統)
- 內聯谷歌廣告聯盟或其他廣告在一個預定義的段落
- 汽車 youtube,dailymotion 和 vimeo 拇指下載——就貼上一個 youtube url 和網站將自動下載最大的影象可以從剪輯, 將它作為一個特色形象,文章很容易新增影片···
- 建在審查制度 (恆星、 9 分)
- 搜尋引擎最佳化: 模式與豐富的片段微資料的文章和評論
- 建在翻譯支援我們的管理面板。沒有更多的,mo 檔案, 你就得到一個從主題和形式與所有的字串對應的翻譯。
- 多語言網站透過自由 qTranslate 外掛的支援,從 wp-admin 所有···
- 谷歌字型, 更改字型容易從主題面板
Version 7.0 – May 9th, 2016
UPDATE NOTICE: Please update tagDiv Social Counter to the latest version that comes with the theme.
new: Mobile Theme – version 1.0
new: Instagram block and widget
new: Footer Instagram
new: Weather block and widget
new: Weather option in top bar
new: Exchange block and widget
new: Mobile menu on the resposive version of the theme
new: 4 new big grids
new: 2 new big grids styles
new: 3 new modules
new: 4 new blocks
new: 2 new footer styles
new: 15 one click demos
new: Black version of the theme
new: 10 Social counter styles
new: search menu on mobiles
new: background support for mobile search and menu
new: the mobile theme and the responsive theme on mobiles now offer a login/register option
new: custom post types now support a global sidebar that can be set from the theme panel
new: logo in H1 tags
new: reset button in theme panel. This will bring the theme to the original state
new: panel for one click demos
new: enable/disable category pull-down filter option in theme panel
new: display order for category tags on post pages option in theme panel
new: Social Counter – version 4.0 – please update your plugin to the latest version
misc: the theme settings are now only saved once per pageload and only if needed. We use the shutdown action to save them
misc: video playlist block now works with multiple playlists of the same type on one page
misc: we audited all the metadata produced by the theme and we improved every aspect of it
misc: each demo, now loads it』s separate css file
misc: updated the google fonts list
misc: better seo on smartlists
misc: the featured image from the smartlists now supports custom
misc: the categories that are listed on post pages can now be shown using the WordPress default order. This can be enabled from theme panel
misc: all blocks can now sort by older first
misc: The responsive youtube player now has a better aspect ratio
misc: All font options are now included on a single page, Theme Fonts, documentation was also updated to match the new configuration
misc: We optimized the queries for all the blocks and widgets that don』t show posts (popular categories, social counter etc…)
fix: on blocks the by category filter now returns all the categories again if no ids are selected
fix: the theme works better with the default wordpress excerpts. It does not remove the … now from the excerpts
fix: we added the import script from version 4.x of the theme again. We realized that it was a mistake to remove it from the theme because there are still customers using 4.x
fix: removed no comments message with comments disabled
fix: layout issue with images that had tagDiv image style set and no link
fix: infinite loading on categories issue with latest posts when the rest is fewer than the 「Blog pages show at most」 setting
fix: footer logo title attribute
fix: tinyMCE issues with the shortcodes menu (multiple options where selected in specific cases)
fix: thumb wp_booster API error. Our framework was not recognising the default 「thumb」 image size that is registered by WordPress
fix: clean up and optimized all the demos
fix: custom fonts buffer was not saving in certain cases
fix: custom fonts documentation link in theme panel was linking to the old documentation
fix: smart lists first image link target parameter was ignored
fix: smart lists javascript issue where links with target _blank were opened twice: in a new tab and in the current tab
fix: sticky main menu logo didn』t show up when Smart snap (mobile) was enabled
The list of modified files | Read more about this update – on our blog