WooCommerce 產品過濾器是一種 WordPress 外掛,擴充套件你的商店,WooCommerce 加入先進的過濾器,你的客戶會喜歡的!這個外掛是與每一個 WordPress 模板相容。只要安裝外掛,在 WooCommerce 設定產品過濾你的 WooCommerce 產品過濾裝置將準備使用的基礎知識·····
WooCommerce 產品過濾器功能:
- 任何標準的過濾器!
- AJAX 支援!
- 較好的管理使用者介面
- 全過濾術語定製!
- 範圍內的過濾器!
- 自適應過濾器
- 濾波器的分析
- 側邊欄和小工具 WooCommerce 產品過濾器!
- 支援所有主題側邊欄模式
- 註冊和自動更新
- 翻譯
17. August 2016
+ added vendor (post author) filter
+ added action after each filter for easier hook ups and code inserts prdctfltr_after_filter
+ improved documentation with new guides for preselecting filters and using products filter with plugins such as essential grid
+ fixed clear all disable button not working in recent versions
+ fixed step filters not working like described in tutorial in recent versions
+ fixed limit terms and adoptive modes problems
+ fixed search terms issues with adoptive filtering
+ fixed select box appearance problems
+ fixed loader over filter when top bar is not used